I’ve been married 20 years, and my wife is beautiful. I try to remind her every day, even when she argues with me. She is even more stunning now then she was on our first date. And she looked amazing that September evening back in 1992… hair and makeup were on point! When I think she is most beautiful though is when she wakes up, no makeup, hair messy.
That gave me an idea… to capture our client’s beauty both how they wake up and how they makeup. So in Summer 2016 we had our first ever For Your Eyes Boudoir Photography’s “Bedhead Boudoir” Photo Contest and Photoshoot Experience.
Our clients came to the shoot without makeup. Hair, not perfect, messy even. For the first 10 minutes wearing what they would hear to bed – PJs, Tshirt & panties, lingerie, or nothing. This gave us the opportunity to shoot each woman in their natural beauty. Then you'll sit with Liz Medley for a quick, basic makeup application, then shoot another 20 minutes with another wardrobe change.
Photo Contest
"Love, embrace, capture and share that moment. When you wake up, before you get out of bed and grab your brush and your makeup. That raw beauty few get to see. Who you are just as you are, beautiful, sexy, silly, cute, and confident. Show us YOU."
How to enter:
Wake up without makeup.
Take a selfie. Be cute. Be sexy. Be Silly. Just be you.
Post to your Instagram – Tag @boudoir_indy and/or
Post to your Facebook – Tag @For Your Eyes Boudoir
Hashtag - #bedheadboudoir
A Bedhead Boudoir Photoshoot Experience
A Younique Makeup Collection
Details: Contest runs June 10 – July 10, 2016. Photos entered in contest will be featured on foryoureyesphoto.com and shared on Instagram & Facebook. Winner will be randomly chosen, because this isn’t a beauty contest, otherwise everyone would be a winner. Winner will be notified July 10th and will shoot with us on July 17th.
The Experience
"There is something indescribable about the rawness of beauty. The beauty that most don't get a chance to see, let alone capture. The beauty of purely being you. Messy hair, fresh face, just woken up. There's something freeing knowing you can be beautiful in those precious, unspoken, unseen, & pure moments."
Package Includes:
10 minute shoot without makeup and with messy hair
A quick/basic makeup application
20 minute shoot with makeup and less messy hair
30 total minutes - 3 photos
Only $75
When: Sunday, July 17th
Where: Stutz Building - Downtown Indy
Come to the shoot without makeup. Hair, not perfect, messy even. For your first 10 minutes wear what you would to bed – PJs, Tshirt & panties, lingerie, or nothing. We’ll shoot YOU and your natural beauty. Then you'll sit with Liz Medley for a quick, basic makeup application, then shoot another 20 minutes with another wardrobe change.