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It's Wicked to be in Stubborn Magazine

What a fitting day to announce that 7 of our horror photos have been published in a Halloween themed "The Wicked Souls Issue" of Stubborn Magazine which is now available to purchase both in print or digital form online here.

The Wicked Souls Issue "showcases incredible Halloween themed photos from all over the world. Prepare to be shocked, scared, titillated and embrace the fear the art in the issue will evoke." Specializing in boudoir photography and only shooting horror themed photos once a year for the last four, it is an honor to be recognized along with so many talented photographers from the United States, Norway, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Canada, and the UK.

Special thanks to Jules, Jordan, Amanda, and Berry for making scary look sexy and for helping create images that were all improvised with a bit of fake blood, loud appropriate music, and for a few photos... some props picked up at the Dollar Tree. Thanks to Moriah Justin for her makeup skills on "Living Dead Girl"

Check out the photos featured in Stubborn Magazine below, and to see more of our horror themed photos in our Horror Gallery


"Living Dead Girl" - Model: Julawon Rigney - Makeup: Moriah Justin

"Reflection" - Model: Berry Wells

"Suffocate" - Model: Heather Spicer

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